
Principle Based Permaculture Design

Welcome to ‘Principle Based Permaculture Design,’ a transformative journey into the heart of sustainable living. This comprehensive course explores the foundational ethics and principles of permaculture, offering you a roadmap to design resilient, regenerative systems.

Chapter One: Holmgren’s Principles and Mollison’s Ethics

Embark on your permaculture journey by understanding the prime directive and the three core ethics of permaculture as defined by Bill Mollison. This chapter lays the groundwork for a principled mindset, emphasizing the responsibility to care for the Earth, care for people, and the return of surplus. Discover the ethical foundation that shapes every permaculture design.

Chapter Two: Design Principles 1-4

Delve into the first four design principles that form the backbone of permaculture. From the art of observation and interaction to the essential concept of catching and storing energy, obtain a deep understanding of how these principles guide sustainable design. Learn the importance of obtaining a yield and applying self-regulation, ensuring your designs align with the principles of resilience and harmony.

Chapter Three: Design Principles 5-8

Explore the next set of permaculture design principles, focusing on resource efficiency, waste reduction, and pattern-based design. Understand the significance of using and valuing resources, producing no waste, designing from patterns to details, and integrating rather than segregating. These principles offer a holistic approach, guiding you towards systems that are not only sustainable but also regenerative.

Chapter Four: Design Principles 9-12

Delve into the principles that advocate small, slow solutions, the importance of diversity, and the strategic use of edges. Understand the principle of using and valuing diversity, practicing risk reduction, and acknowledging the power of edges in design. Embrace the principle of creativity and adaptability, emphasizing the ability to improvise, adapt, and overcome challenges in your permaculture journey.

Chapter Five: Using the Principles, Directive, and Ethics in Active Design

Put theory into practice as you explore five practical ways to use permaculture ethics and principles in active design. These applications range from viewing your property through the lens of all 12 principles to setting priorities for time-based implementations. Learn how to apply the foundational limits of ethics and the prime directive to create designs that are not only resilient but also better for both you and the environment.

This course empowers you to create designs that thrive, harmonizing with nature. Whether you’re a seasoned permaculturist or a beginner, join us on this journey to cultivate resilient, diverse ecosystems.

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Back Yard Cover Crops and Soil Secrets

Welcome to “Mastering Cover Crops and Soil Management,” your ultimate guide to sustainable agriculture. This course is designed to empower you with the knowledge and techniques needed to enhance soil health, boost biodiversity, and achieve sustainable farming practices. Let’s explore what each chapter offers:

Chapter 1: Introduction to Cover Cropping

Uncover the basics of cover cropping and understand its crucial role in sustainable farming. Learn how cover crops can improve soil health, prevent erosion, and reduce the need for chemical inputs.

Chapter 2: Fall/Winter Cover Crop Options

Discover the best cover crops for cooler seasons. Explore hardy options like cereal rye and winter peas, and understand how they protect and enrich your soil during fall and winter.

Chapter 3: Spring/Summer Cover Crop Options

Transition smoothly into warmer weather with a variety of cover crops such as buckwheat and cowpeas. Learn how these crops thrive in spring and summer, providing continuous soil benefits.

Chapter 4: Grasses, Legumes, and Brassicas

Dive deeper into the three main families of cover crops. Understand the unique benefits of grasses, legumes, and brassicas, and how they contribute differently to soil health and fertility.

Chapter 5: Methods of Termination

Master the art of terminating cover crops with methods like winter kill, crimping, flaming, and tarping. Learn how to effectively end your cover crops’ lifecycle while maximizing soil benefits.

Chapter 6: Matching Benefits with Context & Goals

Align your cover crop choices with your specific farming context and goals. Learn to select the right crops to meet your needs, whether it’s improving soil structure, attracting pollinators, or suppressing weeds.

Chapter 7: Flowers as Cover and Intercrop Insectaries

Explore the dual role of flowers in cover cropping. Understand how flowers like marigolds and phacelia can displace weeds, attract beneficial insects, and add beauty to your garden.

Chapter 8: Species Selection & Planting Methods

Learn how to create effective cover crop mixes and implement successful planting methods. Discover the importance of species selection, seeding rates, and the best techniques for planting cover crops.

Chapter 9: Producing & Saving Seed

Take control of your cover crop supply by learning how to produce and save seeds. Understand the benefits of naturalized seeds and how to harvest and store them for future planting.

Enroll Now

Join “Mastering Cover Crops and Soil Management” today and start your journey towards a more sustainable and productive farm. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced farmer, this course will provide you with the tools and knowledge to improve soil health and agricultural practices. Enroll now to unlock the full potential of cover cropping and soil management.

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Backyard Biochar

Unlock the transformative power of biochar in our ‘Backyard Biochar’ course. Dive into sustainable soil enhancement, learn to create biochar, and discover how this ancient technique elevates your gardening practices. Cultivate a healthier, more resilient garden and embark on a journey to sustainable home food production.

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Simplified Bioreactor Composting

Welcome to “Simplified Bioreactor Composting: Converting Your Waste into Plant Superfood with Fungal Dominant Compost the Easy Way” at! In this transformative course, we delve into the heart of sustainable waste management and soil revitalization.

Chapter One – The Origin of the Concept

Discover the roots of our simplified bioreactor composting approach. We explore the original Johnson-Su method, its challenges, and the goals set by the pioneers. Embrace the philosophy that simplicity is the key to tackling complex global issues.

Chapter Two – What Do We Use to Make Compost

Get your hands dirty with the building blocks of our method. We’ll break down the materials needed per bioreactor, explore various composting ingredients, and showcase our simplified designs that eliminate unnecessary complexities.

Chapter Three – Deep Litter Systems for Livestock

Extend your learning beyond the backyard as we explore how deep litter systems can be a game-changer for livestock management. From coop strategies to alternatives for those without a coop, we share insights to keep your animals and your soil thriving.

Chapter Four – Building & Managing Active Compost

Take a step-by-step journey into the construction of your own bioreactor. From choosing the right location to adjusting water flow, this chapter covers the entire build process. Learn how to maintain and monitor your compost for optimal results.

Chapter Five – Using Finished Compost

Your compost is ready; now what? Explore practical applications, from direct garden use to creating compost tea. Uncover the various ways to utilize the finished product for soil enrichment, plant health, and even as a potential income source.

Whether you’re a seasoned homesteader or just starting, this course simplifies the intricate world of composting. Join us in converting waste into a potent elixir for your garden, guided by the principle that the solutions to global challenges are often embarrassingly simple. Let’s embark on this journey to cultivate resilience and sustainability, one bioreactor at a time.

Course Introduction Video

How I Make My Own Bioactive Potting Soil

Obtain a Yield

Catch & Store Energy

Produce No Waste

Small Slow Solutions

Use & Value Resources

“Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.” ~ Bill Mollison

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